Steve Harrington is a fictional character portrayed by Joe Keery from the Netflix hit series, “Stranger Things”. Set in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana in the mid-1980s, the story kicks off with the disappearance of Will Byers. As the search deepens, the group of protagonists soon find themselves entangled with supernatural beings from an alternate dimension known as the “Upside Down.”
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At the beginning of the first season, Steve Harrington is a 16-year-old popular high schooler who’s in a relationship with one of the show’s main characters, Nancy Wheeler. Although he starts out as a side antagonist, Steve eventually helps Nancy and her friend, Jonathan Byers, in the investigation of his brother’s vanishing. In the second season, Steve and Nancy’s relationship breaks down due to their shared trauma. They split up and Steve befriends Dustin Henderson and the rest of the crew.
By season three, Steve is working in an ice cream shop with a newfound friend, Robin Buckley. The duo ends up stuck under the Starcourt Mall with Dustin and Erica, and the group fights off the Russian bad guys. Steve and Robin remain friends throughout season four as they join the gang’s investigation of the death of cheerleader, Chrissy Cunningham. After an “earthquake” hits Hawkins, Steve and Robin help affected victims as the Upside Down slowly invades the town.
Steve Harrington is arguably the show’s breakthrough character and most popular figure. His transformation from a flawed and arrogant boyfriend to a lovable and funny sidekick attracted the attention of viewers. As the most quoted character, Steve is no stranger to fan speculations. So, is Steve Harrington gay? Read on below to find out.
VOTE: What is Steve Harrington’s Sexuality?
Steve Harrington’s Relationships
In season one, Steve Harrington dates top student and do-gooder, Nancy Wheeler. Although the relationship starts out casual, it quickly turns serious after the pair has sex for the first time at a house party. Unfortunately, the situation takes a turn for the worse after Nancy’s friend Barbara Holland disappears. Nancy joins in the search with Jonathan and this puts a strain on the new couple.
While Steve and Nancy grow closer by the end of the first season, the cracks in their relationship are too big to repair. The couple breaks up in the show’s second season despite Steve still having feelings for her. But once he sees Nancy and Jonathan together, he realizes that he has no chance. Steve spots his ex-girlfriend at the Snow Ball and finally accepts that she will never love him back.
At the start of season three, Steve is working with Robin Buckley at the Starcourt Mall. After a near-death experience with the Russians, the pair have a tender moment alone. He confesses his feelings for her, but it turns out that Robin is a lesbian. Steve is surprised but immediately accepts her as a friend, tossing his own feelings aside.
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By the fourth season, Steve and Robin are inseparable but they stay as good friends. On the other hand, Steve starts dealing with his old feelings for Nancy. As they venture into the Upside Down, he shares these thoughts with his old flame and admits that he wishes they had stayed as a couple. It’s unclear whether Nancy reciprocates his sentiments.
The Show’s Other LGBTQ Characters
While it’s clear that Steve Harrington identifies as straight, fans can’t help but pair him with other characters. This is especially true when it comes to season four’s favorite new character, Eddie. The two are often shown together and their love-hate relationship and amazing chemistry are enough for viewers to ship them as a romantic couple. Although their status is unconfirmed, the series has other LGBTQ characters.
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Robin’s coming out was greatly received by audiences and prompted fans to speculate on the other characters’ sexualities. According to theories, it’s highly likely that Will Byers is also gay. These talks stem from his conflicting feelings for women and his relationships with his friends. And while the character’s actor, Noah Schnapp, came out recently as gay, it’s still too early to tell whether his on-screen persona will take the same route.
Is Steve Harrington Gay?
No, Steve Harrington is not gay. However, he is portrayed as open and welcoming to his LGBTQ friends, especially Robin. After breaking up with Nancy Wheeler, Steve has expressed his feelings about going back into the dating scene once again and finding the “perfect woman.” Based on his character development, fans can assume that Steve Harrington is straight.