Kakashi Hatake is a major character in the Japanese manga series Naruto. He is the leader of Team 7, which was later known as Team Kakashi. He was basically the source of wisdom and training for Naruto and his friends.
Kakashi is renowned throughout the series for the use of his Sharingan — the ability that allows a ninja to copy, by mere sight, their opponents’ techniques while gaining incredible reflexes and perceptive abilities — which he received from his teammate Obito Uchiha. He is also known as the “Copy Ninja Kakashi”, a moniker he earned after copying more than a thousand jutsus.
Kakashi’s reputation is a product of his skill. He is considered a generational talent. He is often assigned to handle the village’s most difficult missions, and more often than not, he succeeds. He could basically take down a whole village single-handedly. This makes him a fan-favorite among those who religiously follow the manga-turned-anime.
But even with the undeniable strong skills he possesses, a lot of fans were still curious about Kakashi’s sexuality. Is there any chance that he’s not straight? Is Kakashi gay? Let’s find out.
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Understanding Kakashi’s Sexuality
There has been a constant debate among the Naruto fans about Kakashi’s sexuality. So, provided that he is, without a doubt, one of the strongest characters in the manga, what made fans think that he was gay?
Basically, a lot of viewers would expect a character to be straight by default. But since Kakashi had never had a girlfriend, (none that we know of, at least) some fans assumed that he never liked girls. But the thing is, he never had a boyfriend, either. Thus, this doesn’t really prove anything.
Growing up, Kakashi was very lonely. He had experienced his fair share of being in isolation since he was a child soldier in the 3rd Shinobi War. This is probably the reason why he grew up aloof. He doesn’t really hang out with anyone and doesn’t have that many friends. There were only two people who can be considered Kakashi’s close friends — Guy and Yamato.
It could also be a factor that most of the people he had become close with were eventually killed. This could explain why Kakashi was taking precautionary measures against loss. This could also be the reason behind his disinterest in any romantic relationship.
Also, being a shinobi is a tough job. Being an S-rank ninja, to whom the toughest missions are assigned, gives Kakashi no time to date. Thus, having dated no one throughout the manga doesn’t prove anything about Kakashi’s sexuality.
However, if you consider the fact that he is an avid reader of the ‘Make-out Paradise’ series, an adult novel written by not only the straightest but also the h*rniest man in Naruto, Jiraiya, seems to prove a lot. This seems to suggest that Kakashi is, in fact, into girls.
Is Kakashi Gay?
No, Kakashi is probably straight. He never had a girlfriend, yes. But he also showed little to no evidence that he was attracted to men, either. Plus, the fact that he enjoys reading erotica for men is enough proof that he could never be gay.