Brian David Gilbert, also known as BDG, is a comedian and all-around content creator. Born on January 29, 1994, this 29-year-old social media personality is best known for his work at Polygon — an American entertainment website that publishes blogs, reviews, guides, videos, and news primarily covering video games, as well as movies, comics, television, and books.
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BDG used to host a show on Polygon’s YouTube channel named “Unraveled.” He, however, left the company on December 28th, 2020, because of some grievances he held against the management whom he believed had given him unfair treatment.
The YouTube personality rose to fame because of his surreal humor. But aside from the hilarious skits he produces, he also shares his own songs on his YouTube channel. His channel, which he started in 2012 but hasn’t really uploaded content until 2017, has a little over one million subscribers as of writing.
Fans of the former Polygon contributor love him for his relatable jokes and creative videos. But as much as fans find comfort and entertainment in the content he shares, they become interested in his personal life, as well. They wanted to know about his love life and his sexuality.
So? Is Brian David Gilbert gay?
VOTE: What is Brian Gilbert’s Sexuality?
On Gay Rumors
Brian David Gilbert had always been tight-lipped about his personal life and relationships. This may be a factor in why people think he’s gay. His perky and sometimes girly personality is another thing. His fans assume him to be queer just because he acts a little soft and a little bit on the feminine side sometimes.
The content creator remained mum amidst all the issues surrounding his sexuality. This fuels the rumors even more as people assume that silence means yes. But did you know that he was actually in a long-term relationship? Let’s get to know who his partner is.
Current Relationship
The popular video game journalist and commentator is in a relationship with Karen Han, a former entertainment reporter for Polygon. There was no definite date as to when the couple started going out together. But after doing some math, some fans concluded that the two started dating early in 2019.
And just recently, on December 5, 2022 to be exact, the couple shared the good news with the world. They announced their engagement through an Instagram post.
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His fiancée, Karen Han, is also his writing partner. She assists BDG with producing content for his YouTube channel. And although they always tend to keep a huge part of their relationship private, they sometimes post photos together on their respective social media accounts. The couple was the perfect example of keeping it private but not a secret.
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Han is the only relationship BDG has that is known to the public. Any relationship before Han, if ever there was any, was undisclosed.
Is Brian David Gilbert Gay?
As you must have already guessed by now, no, Brian David Gilbert is not gay. Yes, he never said anything about his sexual orientation, but the fact that he was in a long-term relationship with his now-fiancee only proves that he’s into women. The content creator is straight, we believe.