The popular manga series Blue Period was developed by Tsubasa Yamaguchi. The plot revolves around Yatora Yaguchi, a high school student who feels dissatisfied and without a purpose in life. He happens across the world of art and develops a love of painting, which inspires him to pursue his aspiration to become an artist.
The manga tracks Yatora’s journey as he faces the difficulties of pursuing a career in art. He encounters a variety of people along the road, many of whom he befriends and learns from. Ambition, self-discovery, and the importance of following your passions are all topics that are explored in this novel.
The art of the Blue Period is one of its most distinctive features. The manga’s intricate and emotive artwork clearly illustrates the world of art. Rarely found in comics, Yamaguchi’s use of shade and texture conveys a feeling of depth and realism. Since it captures the characters’ feelings and hardships, art plays a crucial role in the story.
The story discusses certain relationships and attraction-related issues that are relevant to sexuality, like the complexity of young love and the difficulties in balancing personal goals with the demands of a relationship. Is Blue Period gay? Let’s all find out in this article.
VOTE: What is Blue Period’s Sexuality?
Gender Fluidity
The manga series Blue Period has a strong emphasis on gender fluidity, especially in the character Ryuji.
Yatora’s best friend, Ryuji, is also a gifted artist in his own right. In the course of the story, Ryuji frequently portrays both male and feminine roles due to his fluid gender presentation. His expressions and mannerisms are fluid and varied, and he wears both traditionally masculine and feminine attire.
Ryuji’s gender flexibility is portrayed sensitively and respectfully, which is notable. Ryuji’s gender identity is never stated clearly in the story; instead, it is left up to him to express himself whichever he feels most comfortable.
Yatora Yaguchi Sexuality
The sexual orientation of Yatora Yaguchi is not specifically mentioned. Yatora’s relationships with both male and female characters are explored throughout the story, but it is unclear which gender he is attracted to romantically.
It’s probable that the author purposefully kept the reader’s ability to analyze and relate to Yatora’s character’s sexual orientation unclear. This open-ended approach to sexual orientation is not uncommon in anime and manga, where characters’ sexualities are often hinted at but never fully confirmed.
One can argue that Yatora’s sexual orientation has little impact on either his character arc or the general concept of the story. Instead, the story focuses on Yatora’s development as an artist and his interactions with all of the individuals in his life, regardless of gender.
Is Blue Period Gay?
Blue Period does not directly address Yatora Yaguchi’s sexual orientation, but it does explore topics of gender and sexuality through other characters. While maintaining representation and inclusivity for other identities, the open-ended approach to sexual orientation enables readers to understand and identify with Yatora’s character in their own unique ways.
However, it should be noted that Blue Period does discuss gender and sexuality in various contexts, particularly through the figure of Ryuji. A major subject in the narrative is Ryuji’s gender fluidity and his study of his own identity, and he is portrayed in a respectful and complex manner.